Updates, 2nd edition, revised
2nd edition, 2000; revised 2003, ISBN 0-9650104-1-4
by Mark W. Oberle
--- Page 15: The scientific name for Puerto Rican Screech-Owl
has changed to Megascops nudipes.
--- Page 27: There is no confirmed report of Lesser Antillean Bullfinch
in Puerto Rico.
--- Page 32: The scientific name of Audubon's Shearwater should be Puffinus
--- Page 67: The scientific name for Spotted Sandpiper has changed to
Actitis macularius.
--- Page 79: The English name Rock Dove has been changed to Rock Pigeon.
--- Pages 80-81: The genus name of Scaly-naped Pigeon, White-crowned
Pigeon and Plain Pigeon has changed to Patagioenas.
--- Page 86: The lower right photo of the Ruddy Quail-Dove should be
credited to Wayne Arendt.
--- Page 99: Photo of the White-eyed Vireo should be credited to Giff
--- Page 112: The scientific name for the Ovenbird has changed to Seiurus
--- Page 115: The scientific name of Yellow-faced Grassquit has changed
to Tiaris olivaceus.
CD-ROM only: The scientific name of the Worm-eating
Warbler has been changed to Helmitheros vermivorum.
A Spanish edition of the book without CD-ROM is
also available: Las Aves de Puerto Rico en Fotografías. ISBN 978-0-9650104-8-1
Internet book sales: https://tinyurl.com/y3telhxk
Updated 1 June 2006