Updates, 2nd edition
2nd edition, 2000; revised 2003, by Mark
W. Oberle
---Page 2: Address for Editorial Humanitas: 2006 23
Ave. East, Seattle, WA 98112.
---Page 9: The Smithsonian website on shade grown coffee has changed
to: http://natzoo.si.edu/smbc/Research/Coffee/coffee.htm.
---Page 15: Puerto Rican Sceech-Owl is now in the genus Megascops.
---Page 24: The Spanish name for Dendroica angelae should be
Reinita de Bosque Enano, and the English spelling has been changed to
Elfin-woods Warbler.
---Page 45: Reddish Egret weight is 700-850 g.
---Page 46: Roseate Spoonbill is now in the genus Platalea.
---Page 50: Population of White-cheeked Pintail is estimated as about
1,000 birds.
---Page 59: Purple Gallinule is now in the genus Porphyrio.
---Page 72: The Common Snipe has been split into 2 species. The species
in the West Indies is now called Wilson's Snipe, Gallinago delicata.
---Page 79: The English name for Rock Dove
has changed to Rock Pigeon.
---Page 80-81: White-crowned Pigeon, Scaly-naped Pigeon and Plain
Pigeon are now in the genus Patagioenas.
---Page 84: Mourning Dove weight is 108 g.
---Page 86: Above the Bridled Quail-Dove text is a Key West Quail-Dove
photo. For a Bridled Quail-Dove photo, see:
---Page 90: Antillean Nighthawk weight is 50 g.
---Page 97: The upper right photo should be attributed
to Bruce Hallett and the lower left photo to Leopoldo Miranda Castro.
---Page 112: The Latin name for Ovenbird has changed to Seiurus aurocapilla..
---Page 126:
Fideicomiso de Conservación (Conservation Trust of Puerto Rico)
155 Calle Tetuan
Apartado Postal 9023554
San Juan, PR 00901
Sociedad Ornitológica Puertorriqeña
P.O. Box 195166
San Juan, PR 00919-5166
On the CD-ROM only:
The Blue Grosbeak is now in the genus
Red Phalaraope is now Phalaropus fulicarius.
The second edition, revised of this book is
now available with improved photos and a Spanish and English CD-ROM
containing 1,600 photos, plus 270 audio clips. A Spanish edition
of the book without CD-ROM is also available: Las Aves de Puerto Rico
en Fotografías. ISBN 978-0-9650104-8-1 Internet book sales: https://tinyurl.com/y3telhxk
Updated 18 October 2003